Wednesday, November 26, 2014

21 Things

  1. The most important thing to remember when you’re hurting is that THIS FEELING IS TEMPORARY. As human beings, we always seem to think that the pain we’re feeling is going to last forever. But it never always ends.
  2. Sometimes the WORST things in your life are disguised as the BEST things. But eventually you will come to see everything for what it really is. It may just take you a very long time to do so.
  3. Despite popular belief...mistakes and failure are really beneficial. How would you ever learn what NOT to do and what DOESN’T work if you didn’t completely fuck everything up once in a while?
  4. Living in the present is so much harder than people make it out to be. But it’s terribly important. I tend to spend a lot of time day dreaming about a future that isn’t here yet and forget to enjoy the amazing things that are happening TODAY.
  5. Sometimes it’s best to ask yourself for advice. Listen to your gut. Deep down, you know what you want to do. And even if what you want to do isn’t the BEST thing for you to’re probably going to do it anyways. And that’s okay. Because sometimes you just need to KNOW. Ya know?
  6. One of the best things you can do for yourself, is to surround yourself with those whom with you can be completely open. While it may not seem like it, having a REAL conversation with anyone requires you to be vulnerable. Spend time with those who won’t judge you, and eventually YOU won’t judge you either.
  7. Never apologize for how you feel. Ever.
  8. Unfortunately, you will learn the most about the value of things through loss. That’s just the way it is.
  9. Patience is a really important thing to learn.  It’s one of the best qualities you can have as a human being and it’s something you should look for in the people you allow to be a part of your life.
  10. If don’t respect yourself, you can’t possibly expect other people to do so.
  11. Own up to your mistakes and all of the shitty things you do. If you fuck up...just say “Hey...I fucked up…”. Stressing over it and trying to cover it up is only going to make the situation worse. People tend to admire those who hold themselves accountable for their actions.
  12. Quality over quantity. Always.
  13. Just because you’re technically an “adult”...doesn’t mean you’re reeeeeally an adult. You know what I mean? (Side note: skeptical as to whether or not “adults” actually exist).
  14. Being 21 is NOTHING at all like you imagined it would be when you were younger. At 16 I somehow was naive enough to think that at 21 I’d have ALLLLLL of my shit together. BECAUSE I WOULD BE 21. I’d be living in a fabulous apartment, with an even more fabulous career. I also pictured myself having a lot of money, taking a lot of vacations, attending glamorous “events” and being engaged or something. WELL. None of things are even remotely close to happening. And surprisingly...that’s perfectly fine. Actually it’s awesome.
  15. You should never, under any circumstance, let anyone come and go from your life as they please. It’s never okay for anyone to disappear when things get too messy or difficult or real. The people who really care about you will stand by you, even when it seems impossible to do so.
  16. Don’t be intimidated by people your age that seem have their shit together. It’s probably just an illusion that is made to look real by a well cultivated Instagram page.
  17. No one can read your mind. You have to ASK for what you want.
  18. The best things and people will come into your life unexpectedly. Out of nowhere. When you aren’t even looking for them. Seriously.
  19. The most effective way to do to just do it. Stop procrastinating.
  20. The only person who’s opinion of you that matters, is your own. You’re the one that has to live with you every second of everyday. What’s most important is that YOU like you. Fuck what everyone else thinks.
  21. You’re going to die one day. It kinda sucks and may be a little morbid...but it’s true. Life is short. You don’t have an unlimited amount of time and the choices you make right now count. You might as well be doing things that make YOU happy!

    Photos by Kathy Porupski

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